Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Biden Does Belgrade, Again

It was seven years ago in May when Joe Biden, Emperor Obama's establishment Grand Vizier, visited Serbia in order to pressure the quisling cult in charge there to grovel faster. The objective? Finalizing the project of declaring the US-midwifed chaos as the pinnacle of order, in perpetuity:
This isn’t so much about the land as about the symbolism. For Washington’s purpose, it isn’t enough to sever Kosovo from Serbia by force, ethnically cleanse it of all non-Albanians, and obliterate the Serbian cultural heritage in the territory; for this to work as intended, Serbia has to renounce Kosovo, voluntarily. Kosovo was the place where the Serbs fought for their faith and liberty and refused to give them up even after being conquered. Washington’s outgoing ambassador to Serbia, Cameron Munter, told the Belgrade daily Politika that Americans are hoping for a time when Serbia will accept the fait accompli in Kosovo and "move on." But by "moving on," the Serbs would be giving up their soul. (From "Biden does the Balkans," Antiwar.com, May 20, 2009)
Now Joe is back at it again - fresh from promoting Hillary Clinton as the future Empress, back in his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Only this time, Biden is not dealing with Tadic, who though spineless had at least a tenuous understanding of what Serbs tend to do to traitors. Instead, his point of contact is the delusional Aleksandar Vucic, who honestly thinks his treason is somehow beneficial to the country, or even that he himself is the country.

God help us all.


  1. Vucic is like the wife beater who is submissive and nice to the outside world while beating his own at home into submission. Apparently Vucic is planning to attend the Democratic National Convention and meet with the Clintons. Now it all makes sense for Serbia to rehabilitate Nedic. I think Vucic finds in him an example.

  2. Bingo on the Nedic analogy, Dave.

    While AV himself didn't go to the DNC, I am told two lower-level officials ended up going. I was there myself, as a reporter, but I didn't exactly hang out in the foreign dignitaries' section much.

  3. According to this website, Vucic will be one of the speakers at the Clinton Foundation conference (Clinton Global Initiative-CGI) from September 19 till September 21:


  4. Aha! That is the (supposedly) last big to-do of the Clinton Foundation, if their announcement is to be believed. But yes, it does appear he has chosen a side.

  5. If you reconstruct AV's words at the Clinton Foundation; he talked about "the need for Serbs and Bosniaks to live together, not next to each other". In other words he is willing to sell out Republika Srpska for some dying personal Atlantic ideals.
    His post-referendum phone-call to Dodik confirms this: "We are not going to get involved in any conflicts and after heavy reforms do not want to make a U-turn". So for AV it's actually a personal thing (hunger for power which gets satisfied thanks to the Atlanticists) to sell out while Dodik is putting himself on the line and his own life at stake...
