Thursday, November 12, 2009

Some Thoughts on Language

Back in June, I expressed my reservations about the official story concerning the "Twitter revolution" in Iran. Several other people noted how events surrounding the presidential election had a distinctly familiar flavor - that of "color revolutions," a soft coup technique pioneered by the U.S. government in 2000 to overthrow the government in Serbia.

This morning I read this on the LRC blog:

It turns out that .027% of Iranians are on Twitter, and–surprise–the whole thing was foreign-funded war propaganda.

Rockwell also quotes a comment on the main story (see the link above), calling the while thing a NED-backed "astroturf campaign."

Here's the thing about the modern state: though it has set itself up as God, it is lacking in the creation department. It is really good at destruction, but about the only thing it can create is a false reality.

So what it does instead is twist - corrupt, bend, deform - things beyond recognition. Few people today know how to define capitalism, communism, fascism, democracy, human rights or freedom. These words are tossed around freely, but their meaning (what little of it remains) has almost nothing to do with the concepts they originally described. While it is true that languages evolve, this is not a case of such evolution. These terms have been stripped of meaning deliberately, so that they could come to mean whatever the state says they mean.

War is thus peace, ignorance is strength, and slavery is freedom: Orwellian dystopia made flesh, in which criticizing the "democratic revolutions" in Iran or Serbia makes one a "hardline ultranationalist" and "enemy of freedom." But that's "freedom" in terms of Statespeak, not the genuine article. How does one make the distinction in communicating this?

That's precisely why language was corrupted in the first place, you know. So even if we decide to oppose what is going on, we would lack the means to articulate our thoughts and ideas.


Robstar said...

I agree with everything but I believe it would be unfair to just blame the State, becuase the majority of the general population are willfully ignorant on these issues and happy to remain that way. They deserve some of the blame too.

CubuCoko said...

Fair enough. But the state is in charge of their education, and was in charge of their parents' education as well. I don't absolve the deluded people of responsibility for their delusion, but it has a source, after all.

Anonymous said...

The idea that man can manipulate reality to suite his every desire has manifested itself in all Western institutions now. The total rejection of the idea that objective reality exists -- or even that it could exist -- is back of all "thinking" in the government and its schools. Words lose definition because the manipulators wish them to, and the peoples do not try to keep definitions clear because they have come to believe all meaning is relative anyway.

A few authors who have demonstrated that the war on words (and thus on thinking) in our schools is deliberate:

David Mulroy
John Taylor Gatto
Charlotte Iserbytt
Beverley K. Eakman
Victor Davis Hanson

The most entertaining writer commenting on the loss of the discipline of thinking clearly, as shown in the language of his college students and administrators, is Richard Mitchell. His four books,
- Less Than Words Can Say
- The Graves of Academe
- The Leaning Tower of Babel, and
- The Gift of Fire,
as well as his old newsletters are online here:

A real treasure.

To combat this gross illiteracy, we homeschool. We do full old-fashioned Latin, Greek, and German language study and math, with rigorous attention to spelling, definition, derivations, handwriting, and historical context and significance. It's actually quite difficult and satisfying, and has been gaining some small popularity lately in homeschooling groups. "Cool" could even be applied to it although "shiny" is probably stretching it a bit.